CBD and Anxiety

by BM Innovations on October 09, 2023

CBD and Anxiety


Anxiety disorders are the most prominent mental health conditions in the United States, affecting an estimated 31.1% of US Adults.  CBD, or cannabidiol, interact with CB1 receptors in the brain that help regulate fear and anxiety induced behaviors. 

Research Surrounding CBD and Anxiety

Recent research suggests that CBD can help alleviate a wide array of anxiety induced disorders, including: 

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 
  • Panic Disorder (PD) 
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)  
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) 

A 2020 study conducted in New Zealand monitored 397 adults while on a strict CBD concentration regiment.  All participants in the group reported improvements in their overall quality of life after a 3-week CBD trail period.  90% of study participants reported who received CBD treatment reported improvements in their ability to perform daily functions and reduce pain and anxiety or depression symptoms.  


Which CBD Product-type Should I take?  

Cannabidiol, or CBD, oil products come in a multitude of forms that tend to leave CBD newbies confused as to which treatment method may be right for them.  These product types can typically be separated into two application categories: Oral and Topical. By knowing the difference between the two applications and the advantages of each, you can better understand which CBD product is best suited for your needs. 

Using CBD topically allows the cannabidiol compounds to attach to the skin's cannabinoid receptors where the topical cream is applied. It works best if you have a targeted area where you need CBD the most. With CBD topicals, the cannabinoid compounds never get absorbed into the bloodstream.  

If your CBD needs are related to internal or cognitive wellness than external or skincare, then taking oral CBD may be a better option.  There are two primary methods of consuming CBD orally: Sublingually, or “Under the Tongue,” and Ingestion. 

Between taking CBD sublingually and ingesting it, the sublingual method offers faster effects because of its higher bioavailability, which allows more CBD to enter the bloodstream since it avoids the first-pass metabolism. And even though ingesting CBD may not let as many cannabinoids reach the bloodstream, its effect usually lasts longer than any other application method. 

Researchers and Healthcare professionals have yet to establish a standardized dosage to elicit the optimal effects CBD has to offer. There is no research that suggests you can overdose on CBD related products. 

Interested in premium CBD Oil Tincture products? Check out our CBD tincture product today!